Saturday, July 4, 2015

Live like Jesus? Really?

Jesus was an itinerant Jewish Rabbi in the First Century AD/CE who lived in Israel/Palestine during the period it was under Roman occupation. Many a pastor, including myself are preaching we are to live out the way of Jesus. I do not this is an inappropriate teaching or calling for followers of Jesus the Anointed One (Christians). The issue is people are interpreting the message we are preaching as we are meant to live exactly like Jesus.

     Jesus is the really the supreme example in the scripture (Bible) on how to live according to the will of God. Even though he is this supreme example this does not mean we are to live and act exactly like Jesus. It is not recommended that we attempt to replicate the life of Jesus within our own. Some might say at this point you are contradicting your teachings Dr. Doug.

     There is a reason why this is not possible to accomplish. We live in different times, different cultures, and we are definitely facing different world issues – or the same issues in different clothing. The First Century in Palestine was a very dangerous place and it is still today.

     We are not able to exactly follow the example of Jesus. What we are supposed to do is learn from him. How he lived and loved people, where he frequented, whom he ate and partied with, and from there we are able to follow his example and live in similar ways within in our own contexts and times and place and culture. 

     Here is what I believe Jesus desires of us as his followers: We are to live his way, like him, as much as if he were living in our times, our context, our place and our cultures.

     The fact is Jesus is already doing this – living within our times, our context, our place and our culture. He is ahead of us, leading us into encounters with those he is drawing to him through his prevenient grace. If you are a believer in Jesus, a follower of Jesus the Anointed One, then you are to be Jesus in the world.

What will you do – I recommend listen for the nudge of the Holy Spirit. What would Jesus have us do?

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