Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Developing a Jesus Theology

Developing a Jesus Theology:

When I read the Gospels it strikes me how different Christians do theology in comparison to how Jesus does theology. The narrative of the witnesses (the Gospels) presents Jesus’ theology as holistic and applicable in daily life. When he was challenged by the teachers, the Pharisees and the scribes – essentially all the experts in the Torah and the Law, he always had an answer for them. His answers had more to do with heart of the Law then letter of the Law. He clearly challenged the ideologies and propositional positions presented by his detractors. Jesus challenged the prevailing sentiments with a people centrist theology.

Don’t get me wrong, I believe the modernist and contemporary theology is good for the mind, but has no application in daily living. Why? Because there is loss of connection between Jesus’ way of living theology and our way. Our challenge is to bridge the gap in order to live a holistic Christian life. This idea resonates with my soul and I hope it does with your soul as well. I have come to the conclusion that right beliefs, orthodoxy, is not enough. For me theology is only real when it is lived out or practiced. Our theology needs to be fleshed out and the only way we are able to accomplish this to fully embrace our theology, for me this is a Wesleyan Theology. The embrace needs to be a loving embrace because this is where we will are able to become fully human and engage our callings as the image bearers of the creator, Jesus Christ. This is the point of critical mass for believers is Christ. It is the point, place, time where a huge difference is made, a transformational process begins within us both individuals and as a communities of faith.

Developing a Jesus Theology is an area I am going to explore deeper in the following posts to this blog. Now, I am not sure how many post it will take up, but I am looking forward to producing them. I admit this resonates with who I am as a follower of Jesus the Anointed One, He who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Dr. Doug